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How do I add my POP3 email account to Mail for mac OS X?

  1. Open Mail
  2. In the Mail menu select Add account...
  3. Select Add Other Mail Account...
  4. Fill out your information. Mail will try to automatically determine your account settings but this will not be possible. It will ask you to set things up manually:
  5. Choose POP as Account Type, the incomming mailserver is, the User Name is your complete e-mail address.
  6. The outgoing mailserver is The User Name and Password are the same as for the incoming mailserver.
  7. Attention! You'll now already be able to receive email, but do also take the following steps to make sure your account on the mailserver is cleaned up automatically.
    In the Mail menu, select Preferences...
  8. Select Accounts (1) and then the account you have just created (2) and then Advanced (3). Make sure "Remove copy from server after retrieving a message" is selected. We suggest to choose "After one week" from the dropdown.