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Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Saudi Arabia

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update
Saudi Arabia298,79 USD (€ 275,00)298,79 USD (€ 275,00)298,79 USD (€ 275,00)FREE
Saudi Arabia270,54 USD (€ 249,00)270,54 USD (€ 249,00)270,54 USD (€ 249,00)107,56 USD (€ 99,00)
Saudi Arabia324,86 USD (€ 299,00)324,86 USD (€ 299,00)292,27 USD (€ 269,00)292,27 USD (€ 269,00)

Register a domain name in Saudi Arabia makes registering a domain name in Saudi Arabia easy. The extension for domains in Saudi Arabia is,, .sa. On this page you'll find prices and possible restrictions that apply to,, .sa.

Extra information for:

Only possible with a trade mark registered in Saudi Arabia. The trade mark needs to match the requested domain name (it needs to be exactly the same).
A local company has to be the owner of the domain name. If this is not the case with your registration request, then our local contact will become the owner and the domain name will be licensed to you. We reserve the right to cancel this .sa domain immediately, should any of the terms and conditions in relation to this TLD be broken.
Terms & conditions:

Extra information for:

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:

Extra information for: .sa

To register a .sa domain name you need to meet the following conditions:
* You need to have a Saudi Arabian trademark that resembles your domain name. You'll also need to proof you've got such trademark
* You need to provide some paperwork to complete this registration. We'll send you the paperwork. You'll need to sign and stamp those documents.
Furthermore a local company needs to be the owner of this domain name. If this isn't the case with your application, our local contact will become the owner of the domain name and the domain name will be given in license to you. We remain the right to immediately cancel the .sa domain name if one of the conditions for this extension is broken.
If you don't have a local address, then you can use our Local presence. This is available at € 100,00 for the first year and € 100,00 for every subsequent year on top of the registration fee.
Minimum registration period:
The minimum registration period is 1 year, the maximum is  1 year
No support for IDN. Only default Latin characters (without accents) are supported. Other characters (which are only possible via IDN) are not allowed to be used inside a domain name ending in .sa.
DNSSEC is not supported by .sa at this time
Redemption period:

The domain name can be reactivated up to 30 days counting from its expiry date. A reactivation during this period, will however be charged at FREE on top of the registration fee.


Difficulty paperwork new registration:
Sign the paperwork + stamp/letterhead

Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 6/06/2024.