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Your Hungarian domain name

Prices exclusive of VAT

Domain names in Hungary

TLD Country Registration transfer renewal / yr Update    
Hungary64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 Years64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 Years64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 YearsFREE
Hungary64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 Years64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 Years64,18 USD (€ 60,00) /2 YearsFREE
Hungary37,44 USD (€ 35,00)37,44 USD (€ 35,00)37,44 USD (€ 35,00)FREE  

Register your Hungarian domain name

Hungary, located in Central Europe and crossed by the Danube from north to south. The capital Budapest, numerous national parks and the famous Lake Balaton attract a lot of tourists every year. Got hungry from all that travelling? No problem, you can fill your tummy with their famous goulash.

The Hungarian economy has improved in recent years but is also facing major challenges, the largest of which is ageing. With the registration of a .hu name you can already give a boost to the Hungarian economy. Do you live or work in Hungary? Or are you just enthusiastic about your last vacation to Hungary? Or do you have the best goulash recipe? Then share your enthusiasm and cooking skills with everyone through your Hungarian domain name.

Extra information for: .hu,

The owner needs to be from one of the below countries, or needs to be the owner of a registered trade mark valid in Hungary.
Countries from where you can register a .hu domain name without the requirement of holding a registered trade mark:
Andorra, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Georgia, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Macedonia, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Russian Federation, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, Turkey, Ukraine
Minimum registration period:
The minimum registration period is 2 year, the maximum is  10 year
- You submit the request through our website and provide us the new owner information which needs to be exactly the same as the current information
- You'll receive 2 documents from us which need to be completed by the owner of the domain name
- The completed documents need to be printed and signed on every page by the legal representative of the firm
- The completed and signed documents need to be sent back to us
- We'll take further care of everything and inform you as soon as the transfer has been completed
Registration period after transfer:
Extended with 2 years
IDN is supported. It is therefore possible to use certain special characters inside a domain name ending in .hu and
DNSSEC is not supported by .hu and at this time

Terms & conditions:

Extra information for:

No Restrictions
Terms & conditions:
All prices are excl. VAT and on a yearly basis (unless stated otherwise)! Click here to see the prices incl. VAT.
The amounts in USD are purely informative. The exchange rate date is 27/06/2024.